
Social Media Revolution: A Game-Changer for Businesses & Tanzanian market

Social Media Revolution
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In recent years, Tanzania has witnessed a significant rise in the popularity of social media platforms and the Social Media Revolution. This digital transformation has revolutionized how businesses operate and connect with their customers. From small startups to established corporations, firms nationwide embrace social media as a powerful tool to unlock their full potential.

According to Tanzania- DataReportal –Global Digital Insights of 2023, Tanzania has over 4.9 million social media users, equating to 7.4 percent of the total population. This number is expected to grow to over 7.5 million by 2025.

In this opinionative article, I will explore the growing popularity of social media in Tanzania, how businesses leverage these platforms to connect with customers, the benefits of social media for brand awareness and marketing, their challenges, and essential tips for effectively overcoming them.

How businesses are using social media to connect with customers

Social media as a customer engagement platform; One of the primary ways businesses utilize social media is by establishing it as a platform for customer engagement. Companies create official profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, among others, to interact with their customers directly.

According to a 2022 report by DataReportal, there were approximately 4.6 billion social media users globally, indicating the immense potential of these platforms in reaching a vast audience.

In addition, businesses use these platforms to respond promptly to customer inquiries, address concerns, and provide real-time support. Social media facilitates a two-way communication channel, enabling brands to understand customer needs, preferences, and pain points more effectively. By fostering personalized interactions, businesses can build trust and loyalty among their customer base.

Influencer marketing and collaborations; have become a prominent strategy for businesses to connect with customers through social media. Brands collaborate with social media influencers with a significant following and influence over their target audience.

A study by Socialbakers revealed that the engagement rate for sponsored influencer posts on Instagram increased by 27.6% in 2022.

Responding to customer queries; social media is a great way to provide customer service. Customers can quickly contact you via social media with questions or problems. You can show you’re committed to providing excellent customer service by responding to their queries promptly and efficiently.

The benefits of using social media for brand awareness and marketing

Reaching a wider audience; social media can help businesses reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods such as print advertising or TV commercials. This is because social media platforms allow companies to target their ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Enhanced customer engagement and interaction; social media has transformed communication between brands and customers. Businesses can interact with their audience in real time, responding to inquiries, addressing concerns, and fostering meaningful conversations. This active engagement creates a sense of trust and loyalty among customers, encouraging them to become brand advocates.

Research by Sprout Social revealed that 83% of consumers prefer brands that respond to social media comments and messages. By actively engaging with customers, businesses can enhance their reputation and build long-lasting relationships with their target audience.

Building relationships with customers; Social media can help businesses build relationships with customers by providing them a platform to interact with the brand. Companies can use social media to answer questions, resolve complaints, and provide customer support. This can help businesses to build trust and loyalty with their customers.

Evidence supports the benefits of using social media for brand awareness and marketing in Tanzania. A study by Hootsuite found that 80% of Tanzanian social media users use social media to learn about new products or services. The study also found that 70% of Tanzanian social media users follow brands on social media.

The challenges of using platforms effectively

Keeping up with changing algorithms and trends, social media platforms continuously update their algorithms, affecting the visibility and reach of content. What may have worked effectively in the past might not yield the same results. Additionally, trends on social media can change rapidly, and businesses must stay abreast of these shifts to remain relevant and engaging.

For example, Facebook’s algorithm changes can impact the organic reach of posts, making it essential for businesses to stay informed and adapt their strategies accordingly. Failure to keep up with these changes can result in declining engagement and brand visibility.

Limited Internet connectivity and access; despite the increasing internet penetration in Tanzania, access to reliable and high-speed Internet remains challenging in certain regions.

The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) reported that internet penetration stood at 43.8% in 2021. However, connectivity in rural areas and some urban centers may be intermittent or slow, hindering practical social media usage.

This limitation poses challenges for businesses looking to engage with a broader audience. Slow internet speeds can delay customer interactions and hinder real-time engagement efforts. Companies must be mindful of these connectivity issues while crafting their social media strategies to ensure they don’t alienate potential customers with poor user experiences.

Tips for overcoming the challenges

Choose the right platforms: Not all social media platforms are created equal; some are better suited for certain businesses than others. For example, LinkedIn is a great platform to reach your target audience. If you’re a retail company, Instagram and Facebook are good options.

Create high-quality content: Your social media content should be high-quality and engaging. This means using images, videos, and infographics to break up text and make your content visually appealing. You should also write clear and concise captions that will grab people’s attention.

Engage with your audience: Don’t just post content and then disappear. You must engage with your audience by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in conversations. This will help you build relationships with your followers and turn them into customers.

Social media is a powerful tool businesses can use to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. However, there are some challenges that companies need to be aware of. Following the tips outlined in this article, businesses can overcome these challenges and use social media to achieve their marketing goals.

Read more Business articles here.

A digital personnel and Content Producer who has made a significant impact on media outlets with his exceptional writing skills. He is passionate about creating informative content and conducting research. Salvius obtained his degree in Journalism and Mass Communication at St. Augustine University of Tanzania, where he gained valuable experience through internships at Mwananchi Communication Newspaper. Salvius worked as a news editor and article reviewer at Scooper, also The south African website as the article writer, further refining his skills. Salvius's outstanding work in the field of digital journalism was recognized by Reuters which awarded him a digital journalism certificate. Salvius also is an environmental influence.

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