CCM has been in the manufacturing business, and the business is to rewrite the word of God to suit her parochial goals. CCM has formed an unholy alliance with the evangelicals who are notorious for the commercialization of the gospel of the Lord Christ Jesus for personal gain. Evangelicals across the world, too, are in this unholy manufacturing business. Their sole business is selling the word of God to the highest bidder contrary to clear provisions of the scripture.
The evangelicals have now joined CCM campaigns in full throttle and, day and night, relish praying for the CCM government and its top leaders to prosper without obedience to the commandments enshrined in the word of God. This article rules out evangelical prayers being heard in heaven because they have rewritten scripture according to their whimsical interests. This is their story.
CCM keeps repeating the same mistakes of convenient amnesia time and time again so that the word of God may be fulfilled. The word of God condemns the wicked with these words: “…Indeed, those who desires to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution but evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”
During the last days of president Magufuli, he was all over the place, begging all and sundry to pray for him, but his destiny was unaffected. Five months after winning a bitterly disputed election, he died. The question is, were our prayers heard or not? Magufuli proffered huge offertories to conventional and non-conventional churches, but his ultimate fate went uninterrupted. Most churches prayed he would rule for five years, but God limited his reign to five months. Were our prayers heard or not?
Unlike President Samia, who sent an army of subordinates to represent her in the night prayers vigil as the one I saw on the TBC, Magufuli made sure he was there in person kneeling and folding his arms, expected from a “holier than thou” disciple of God. The issue most believers fail to grasp is God never hears wilful sinners like CCM. CCM knows without justice, there shall be no peace in the word of God; still, CCM negates this clear precept of God.
CCM says that these days, justice is a fruit of peace, while that is a violation of God’s law. Even within the discernment of human character, we are pleased with those who obey us, and God is no different, for He has created us in His own image. Since independence, CCM concedes it has failed to nurture good leadership but is also in concerted tandem to ensure such leadership is not forthcoming in the foreseeable future!
The election dispute in Tanzania is legislated in such a way the final arbiter of elections is not the voters but well-placed senior civil servants. This is abhorrent of the clear commandments of God. The word of God says lots pacify a nation CCM says God misspoke since electoral injustices will quieten contentions! CCM is no God because it is a creation of our own hands. Whatever a man creates with his own hands has a manufacturing date and maturity period closely followed by an expiry date. CCM cannot overrule those laws of nature.
We know this is very true because the founders of CCM are not sleeping amongst us. If Nyerere is asleep can CCM he morphed live forever? We know the answer to that. President Samia didn’t attend a prayer night vigil in Dar-es-Salaam because she had more serious things to attend to somewhere in Tanga. Can God listen to our effectual prayers for her while she has not prioritized them by being physically present? If her priorities are elsewhere, will God still overlook that lack of diligence towards Him?
In all the scripture, absentia prayers have often been answered. Cases of a Roman Centurion begging the Lord Christ Jesus to heal his paralytic servant were heard, and the debilitating illness departed from that servant. The notable issue is that the paralytic servant was incapable of walking to the Lord Christ Jesus because of his impediment. However, that cannot be said of the president Samia who can walk to the vigil night. She should have been present when the prayers were being conducted. Spiritually speaking, there is no “representative democracy” when it comes to reaching out to God. The word of God says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, demanding at least one hour of total focus to God. Will lame excuses bear us out of this? Methinks not!
The only thing I can fish out is that President Samia is not a believer in the spiritual healing powers of the Lord Christ Jesus. Was Magufuli a believer when he made sure he was a “no miss” during prayers? The answer to that requires interrogation of his deeds for the scripture instructs us we will know them from their fruits. Fruits are deeds, period. We know Magufuli prided himself on ignoring the will of the electorate. He didn’t trust the lots to sieve good leaders. That position severed him from God. Obedience to the commandment of God cannot involve cherry-picking what one wants and dumping what he detests.
As the prophet Job forewarns:…should we accept God when things go well for us and reject Him when they don’t?” What prophet Job meant was obedience must be unconditional to our specific circumstances. Therefore, when the former minister for communications, Nape Nnauye, bragged that they steal votes, then after that heist, they go back to God, it was an abomination, period! This position was ascertained by Paul the Apostle when he said if we sin wilfully, there was no remission of sin but a fearful expectation of the judgment of God.
Evangelicals shouldn’t be the last bastion of faith. However, it is quite understandable why CCM and the evangelicals have found convenient commonalities: They both draw near to God by their mouths but in their hearts have removed themselves from His glorious riches. As in every field certifies, birds of a feather flock together, so is CCM, and the evangelicals are now identical twins, inseparable to the eye and ear. I will be surprised if CCM has not bought a seat in heaven from the evangelicals. If they did that then their iniquity is unforgivable.
But God is not mocked when you knowingly commit election fraud and still seek God to justify your sinful nature. By doing so, you make God’s word of no effect, reducing His Holiness into things made by human hands. Such sin is unforgivable in this life and in the next one. For He has said, He will not render His glory to another. In our specific case, CCM and the evangelicals glorifying carnal possessions more than spiritual ones have denied their faith and are worse than non-believers.
For the evangelicals should learn fast not to permit non believers from pontificating and corrupting the word of God which they have declared they don’t believe. For the scripture queries what communion has God with the unbelievers? We know our evangelicals don’t care about this so long as cash tamps their bottomless pockets. However, God is not mocked and He will repay.
My advice to CCM: stop lying to yourself. No matter how you pray, since the treasure of your heart is in total deference to belly worshipping. I have bad news for all belly worshippers: God hates you and will remember your sinful ways sooner than later. Once you have sold your soul to the demons, there is no remission of sin but a fearful expectation of judgement and the wrath of God
Read more analysis by Rutashubanyuma Nestory