Why the EAC-SADC Meeting in Dar-es-Salaam Will Not Bring Peace in the DRC.
I had the opportunity to peruse the minutes of a joint EAC-SADC ministerial meeting, co-chaired by Kenyan foreign affairs minister…
I had the opportunity to peruse the minutes of a joint EAC-SADC ministerial meeting, co-chaired by Kenyan foreign affairs minister…
In a bold move to modernize public service delivery, the Tanzanian government has announced plans to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI)…
The question we gonna attempt to answer today is whether the Human Rights Commission can replace or overlap with the…
USAID has endured graft charges and gross mismanagement for years, even before Donald Trump became president; now, its hour of…
Many encomiums have been thrown into this energy summit, but few have taken the time to assess its weakest links.…
African leaders are poor listeners; as a result, they deploy brute force to replace tacit diplomacy. SADC forces in the…
Nowhere is Africa’s unwillingness to confront its problems more apparent than untangling itself from overdependence on foreign aid. It seems…
In 2015, Tanzania took a significant step toward improving access to education by introducing the Fee-Free Basic Education Policy (FBEP).…
In response to the alarming rates of malnutrition among children under five in Iringa region, key nutrition stakeholders have launched…
Babati Urban MP Gekul defended herself against torture allegations in a video interview, about a month ago. She steadfastly denied…