
World Bank’s Initiative Financing for Resilient Agriculture in Tanzania

Image: Ecojesuit

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Agriculture in Tanzania has long stood as the backbone of the nation’s economy and sustenance for its populace. However, climate change, soil degradation, and outdated farming practices have continuously threatened the sector’s productivity.

Recognizing the imminent challenges that Tanzanian farmers face, the World Bank has initiated a game-changing financing initiative to enhance agricultural resilience. But what does this mean for the average Tanzanian farmer, and how does it shape the future of Tanzanian agriculture?

Agriculture is more than just a livelihood in Tanzania; it’s a significant economic pillar. According to data from the World Bank, farming contributes to nearly 30% of the nation’s GDP. While impressive, this figure becomes even more critical compared to other sectors like tourism, which, despite its visibility, only contributes around 10% to the GDP.

The significance of agriculture is underscored by its role in employment. Over 65% of the Tanzanian workforce is engaged in agricultural activities. Millions of households depend directly on farming for sustenance and survival. Tanzania’s agriculture plays a pivotal role in generating foreign exchange internationally. As per the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture, primary agricultural products account for more than 50% of the country’s export revenues.

Cash crops like coffee, tea, and tobacco prominently feature in the country’s export list. Beyond economic metrics, agriculture in Tanzania is integral to the nation’s food security. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that nearly 95% of the country’s food needs are met through domestic production, emphasizing the sector’s importance in ensuring a stable food supply for its citizens.

The World Bank’s commitment to bolstering Tanzanian agriculture signifies a well-thought-out strategy designed to address both immediate challenges and long-term goals. But what does this financing entail?

Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure stands as the backbone of any successful agricultural framework. The World Bank’s initiative, as detailed in their latest reports, allocates a significant chunk of its financing towards enhancing rural infrastructure. The primary focus here is on irrigation.

With only about 5% of cultivated land in Tanzania under irrigation, as per the Food and Agriculture Organisation, there’s significant room for growth. Developing robust irrigation systems not only tackles the unpredictability of rain-fed agriculture but also potentially increases crop yields by up to 300%, according to studies by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

Research and Training: To cultivate the land is one thing, but to do so with scientific insight and proven methodologies is another. The World Bank recognizes this nuance. Most funding is dedicated to research and development, especially concerning drought-resistant crops. This is crucial given that Tanzania has experienced increased drought frequency in the past two decades, as highlighted by the Tanzanian Meteorological Authority.

Moreover, in partnership with local agricultural institutions, there’s a concerted push towards training farmers in sustainable and effective farming practices, bridging the current knowledge gap.

Access to Markets: The next challenge is getting crops to markets efficiently once crops are harvested. According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), Tanzania faces post-harvest losses amounting to approximately 40% of total produce, a significant part due to inadequate transportation and storage facilities.

The World Bank’s financing aims to address this issue by bolstering transportation networks, developing storage facilities, and providing platforms for farmers to connect directly with potential buyers, ensuring their hard work doesn’t go to waste.

Financial Instruments and Risk Management: Modern agriculture isn’t just about tilling the land; it’s also about managing risks and ensuring economic viability. The World Bank’s approach incorporates the development of financial instruments that help farmers work price volatility, safeguard against unpredictable weather patterns, and access credit more seamlessly.

Data from the FSD Tanzania suggests that only about 20% of Tanzanian farmers currently have access to formal banking services, highlighting the immense potential of this intervention.

Empowering Women in Agriculture: Women constitute a significant proportion of the agricultural workforce in Tanzania. The World Bank’s gender-inclusive strategy empowers female farmers by ensuring equal access to resources, training, and decision-making platforms. Given that studies by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) indicate that gender equality in agriculture can increase yields by 20-30%, this is a transformative step.

Historically, the heart of Tanzania’s agricultural strength has always rested on the shoulders of its farmers. As the primary stakeholders, their role in driving the sector to new heights is undeniable.

Recognizing this, the World Bank’s approach is uniquely farmer-centric, geared towards equipping them with modern tools, techniques, and knowledge to navigate the complex challenges of contemporary agriculture. Here’s a closer look, underpinned by supporting data:

Skill Enhancement and Training: Modern agriculture isn’t just about sowing seeds; it’s about understanding the science behind it. The World Bank initiative plans to expand extensive training programs through partnerships with local agricultural institutions and international organizations.

The FAO’s data indicates that farmers who receive formal training can boost their yields by up to 22% compared to those who rely solely on traditional knowledge.

Digital Agriculture: In an increasingly interconnected world, staying updated with real-time information can make all the difference. The World Bank’s strategy includes provisions for integrating digital tools into farming. For instance, the use of mobile applications that provide timely information on weather patterns, pest outbreaks, and market prices.

According to GSMA’s Mobile Economy report, Tanzania has seen a 150% increase in mobile internet connections between 2015 and 2020, showcasing the potential reach of such digital interventions.

Pilot Projects and Demonstrative Farms: Theoretical knowledge is one thing, but seeing it in action is another. Most of the financing is dedicated to establishing pilot projects and demonstrative farms. These farms will serve as live examples, showcasing the benefits of modern farming techniques. Studies from the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture indicate that farmers who observe demonstrative projects are 40% more likely to adopt new techniques than those who only undergo classroom training.

Collaborative Farmer Groups: Unity is a strength, especially in a sector as vast and varied as agriculture. The World Bank’s approach encourages the formation of collaborative farmer groups. Beyond being a platform for shared resources, these groups also enable collective bargaining in markets, ensuring better prices for produce.

Data from the East African Grain Council suggests that Tanzanian farmers in collaborative groups received, on average, 18% better prices for their crops compared to individual sellers.

Gender Sensitization and Inclusion: While women play a pivotal role in Tanzanian agriculture, they often face systemic challenges ranging from access to credit to ownership rights. The World Bank initiative strongly emphasizes gender sensitization workshops to bridge this gap. According to the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), ensuring equal access for women in agriculture can lead to a 20% increase in farm productivity.

In conclusion, while the financing is a significant boost, the fundamental transformation lies in its implementation. If executed precisely and in tandem with Tanzania’s National Adaptation Plan’s objectives, this could usher in a renaissance for Tanzanian agriculture.

The World Bank’s commitment to bolstering agricultural resilience in Tanzania reflects a more significant global trend of recognizing and reinforcing the role of agriculture in sustainable development. For Tanzanian farmers, this presents a renewed hope and a pathway to sustainable and resilient farming.

Take time also to read how the World Bank harnesses Africa’s Digital economy.

An accomplished editor with a fervent passion for journalism. Possessing a career in the field, she is renowned for her meticulous editing, analytical acumen, and powerful storytelling. As an editor, Mariam consistently maintains the integrity and credibility of her work through rigorous fact-checking and in-depth reporting. She contributes insightful articles that highlight societal issues, provoking thoughtful dialogue and inspiring change. Her commitment to fostering growth among emerging writers and her dedication to the journalistic craft as a catalyst for societal change make her a respected figure in contemporary journalism.

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Aloys Mwanga
Aloys Mwanga
11 months ago

A very indighful article by Mariam. However, after having done all this by the WB, the Tanzanian farmer (and probably other farmers elsewhere) will always receive a paltry earning from the global multi-million dollar agricultural products supply chain. How do we address this challenge?

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